I'm lucky that my eyelashes are naturally pretty long but I like to add a bit more volume. I don't tend to try too many new mascars as I think they're expensive and I've had a lot of ones that I just don't get on with. I tend to stick to maybelline as I love the packaging (you could sell me anything as long as it looked pretty) and theyre not too badly priced.
So here's my top 3 mascaras that I love and would recommend to anyone.
1. Maybelline Volum' Express Mega Plush Mascara £7.99
This was Maybellines 1st Gel mousse mascara & was marketed as a less flaky mascara. This was the point that drew me in (definitely not the amazing turquoise tube) as my eyeballs seem to be magnets for mascara flakes. Since using this mascara I have seen a massive drop in the amount of times I have to fish mascara flakes out of my eye.
It adds amazing volume and there are NO CLUMPS. No matter how many applications I have done I don't get clumps. I tested it as I wanted to see if their no clumps claim was correct and zilch. Beautiful lashes every time. If I could only have one mascara, this would be it.
2. Maybelline Volum Express The Colossal Mascara £7.19
I've wanted to try a Bourjois mascara for ages as my friend has one that makes her eyelashes look amazing but I could never bring myself to stray from my trusted maybelline one but I needed to add a waterproof mascara to my collection & everyone and their grandma was raving about Bourjois new release. It is more expensive than I would normally pay but Boots has a 2 for £14 on selected Bourjois cosmetics and I wanted to try one of their foundations too so it would have been rude not to. Bargain
I haven't had this long but I've worn it pretty much every day and it's already a firm favourite. I wore it to the beach to test its waterproofness (yes that is a word now) and it stayed put. It makes my eyelashes crazy long and it is really black. The wand was a bit scary when I first saw it as I'm really not a fan of the rubber bristles normally but it really works and coats every single lash. Even ones you didn't know you had. I tend to mix it with the first mascara just for a bit of volume but if you're looking for longer lashes this is the one for you. Also the packaging is gorgeous.
What's your go to mascara?
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