I missed out on the MAC Cinderella collection online which I'm still not sure if I'm upset about. The only thing I was tempted by was the Royal Ball lipstick and I'm just not sure it would suit me.
But obviously I have still been shopping and have a few new Disney additions. Also one of my friends bought me the super adorable stitch teddy as a late Christmas present and he's so cute.
And here is what I have treated myself to
So first of all, as you may have seen, selected Disney DVDs are buy one get one free in Tesco, Amazon etc. I usually buy mine second hand but with this deal it worked out cheaper for a couple of them so I treated myself to Dumbo & Brave as I also had a money off voucher for Tesco so bargain. I also ordered Atlantis from amazon because I really wanted to watch it and my copy was damaged when I lent it to someone - never again.
Ariel Mug

When I saw the new range of disney princess mugs in the disney store I had to have one. Last time there was a mug I liked I resisted and then it went out of stock and I still mourn the loss of it. It was hard bringing myself to pay £7 for a mug but it has such a good handle for my crappy hands and it's so pretty and I wasn't going to lose this one like the last one. I chose Ariel and it makes me smile every day.
Cinderella Compact Mirror
Last but not least I picked up the Cinderella compact mirror. Now this has had mixed reactions with my family. My mum and my brother hate it but my Dad loves it. Can always count on my Dad to back me up. I think it's really pretty and I desperately needed a new compact. It's nice and sturdy and opens when you push the button so my crappy hands can cope.
Anyone get any of the DVDs with the offer?
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