22 June 2015

Directions Flamingo Pink Hair Dye

I finally got around to dyeing my hair again. I think I was up to 6 or 7 weeks with some swimming involved and safe to say my hair was a strange colour. It was a pale pink with random streaks that had stayed bright, some blonde streaks and some ginger patches. It was a fabulously weird mix. I still rocked it though. I quite liked the pale but I was born to have bright hair.

I usually use the Schwarzkopf ultra brights in Shocking pink but decided to mix it up and try something new this time. I spent a while on the Directions site admiring all the gorgeous colours and after google imaging the different colour results I ordered Flamingo Pink.

At £3.95 Directions is a tad cheaper than the £5.49 for Schwarzkopf and as I usually need 3 of boxes for my beyond thick hair it soon adds up. I ordered 3 pots as I wasn't sure how much I would need but I actually only needed 2 because I think they are bigger and they go quite far. Postage was super quick as well.

My mum tends to dye my hair for me (and most of my forehead, ears, neck etc) and she said that the directions dye applied much easier because it is a thinner consistency. She also said that the pot is so much easier to work with than the tube the Schwarzkopf comes in.

When I saw the pots I was a tad worried that they looked really dark but once I opened them & started to apply my worries were put to rest. It's bright. I think this one may be brighter than Shocking pink. It is such a gorgeous colour. I'm in love.

It did seem a tad messier to wash off. My chest was bright pink when I got out the shower as well as my neck and face but I attacked it with makeup remover which soon sorted the problem. I looked pretty fabulous though. Also if you don't hear from me again soon it's because my dad killed me for staining the bath...again. He only got rid of the last stains last week. Pretty much everything in the bathroom is pink including the sink which I accidentally touched. My mum is also sporting a fabulous pink hand from where her glove split.

It's been about maybe 2ish weeks since I've dyed it and it does seem to fade so much quicker than the Schwarzkopf dye which is a shame because I prefer the colour but I just don't have the energy to top it up that often

I'm thinking of mixing it up with some purple and turquoise next. What do you think?
