11 May 2016

23 Years Of Wisdom

It was my birthday yesterday and I am now the grand old age of 23. Although I feel more like 93 today my body is not impressed with life. I thought I would share with you some of the wisdom I have picked up along the way.

Have an old picture of me wearing a tiara because I have no idea what picture to put with this

1. Do not chuck your straighteners over the edge of a rubber bucket before they are cold because you will melt a hole in it and your fireman dad will lecture you forever

2. There is no such thing as too much tea

3. Leggings as pants are the only pants I want to wear 

4. Gym gear is the best gear for eating in - stretchability 

5. Body pillows are the best thing every invented - especially for curling up on the sofa in a lil pillow nest. 

6. It is safe to say I will never ever be a morning person. Not even when I'm going on holiday

7. Being an adult sucks except for when you get to say that cake for breakfast is a-okay

8. University isn't all its cracked up to be

9. High school can be a bitch

10. Doctors don't always know best - get a second or third opinion - I'm looking at you Dr who wanted to cut off my legs because they hurt and Dr you're an attention seeker. 

11. You can make some of your closest friends online. Seriously my bestest friends were made on twitter 

12. Having to use a wheelchair is not the end of the world and does in fact give you more freedom

13. Never get gerbils because your friends two are really cute and cuddly because you will be blessed with the Devils offspring

14. Mums do "sometimes" know best but shhh dont tell them I told you

15. There is no better milkshake than a Mcdonalds vanilla milkshake

16. Selfies are awesome. Take all the selfies. You look amazing

17. Life is more fun when you don't care what other people think

18. Some days just call for a beige meal - Turkey dinosaurs and potato waffles anyone?

19. There is nothing scarier than losing sight of a spider before going to bed

20. Never stick your little finger in a pencil sharpener - I dont know why 5 year old me ever thought that was a good idea tbh

21. Wearing real bras is overrated. Sports bras for life

22. Never throw sand in the air on a windy day

23. Always double check which setting you put the oven on because grilling pizza and fairy cakes does not work

Do you have any wise words to pass on?
