After being super lazy with my hair for so long I am now obsessed with hair products. I was kindly sent a package of goodies (Fudge Urban & Sanctuary spa reviews) a while ago and I've been meaning to review this rescue balm for ages.
30 June 2016
27 June 2016
Cute Stickers by Dorkface
I am so sorry that my scheduling has gone to shit and I keep going like a week without posting. I had just started to get on top of things when I got hit by a massive flare as well as general busyness. My body is being a little bitch at the mo and fatigue is kicking my ass. Seriously I am so tired I struggle to form sentences and cry at stupid things. I will try my best to get more motivated and make scheduling my bitch but bear with me.
I thought today whilst I curl up in a ball in my pjs, with netflix and a latte I would share with you my fave stickers ever. If you don't follow Jemma on all the social medias you are missing out. She's a babe, with super cool hair and amazing creativity. She inspires me (a not very creative person) to be more creative every day.

17 June 2016
My Daith Piercing
I have a few piercings and I love them. My nose is hands down my favourite piercing but I also have my helix, tragus, and 3 in each lobe. I'd wanted a new one for ages and was thinking about getting my daith done when everyone and their grandmas suddenly started raving about them for migraines. I was already planning on going to get my third lot of holes in my lobes when I had a week long migraine. I decided to take the plunge and get it done anyway. I mean even if it didn't work it would still look awesome.
15 June 2016
Zuko's in Aberaeron
Last Sunday we were supposed to be going to the zoo but we are all lazy shits and refused to get out of bed. Plus it was raining. We decided to go to Aberaeron instead for chips and cake. Everyone raves about Zuko's so obviously we had to check it out
12 June 2016
Book Review// Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
I am a massive Karin Slaughter fan. I have read all her books and if you haven't and are a crime fan you need to check them out. Her series is amazing. That being said her last few books (Cop Town, Criminal & Unseen) weren't my favourite and I was starting to think I was falling out of love with her. This new stand alone that my mum lent me however has completely rekindled my love and I could not put this book down.
11 June 2016
Lush Skincare
Once upon a time my skin decided to be weird af and look scaly and gross every time I put on foundation. It was driving me crazy and getting me down. I tried so many cleansers and moisturisers and nothing seemed to be sorting it out. When I asked twitter soo many people recommended Ultrabland. I never really go in lush as I can't have baths and I forget that they do stuff other than bath bombs. Soo I took the plunge and popped into the Carmarthen store and the staff were beyond lovely and went through so many products that I could use to help my weird skin
To start with I chose Ultrabland and Angels on Bare Skin but I will definitely be going back for more.
6 June 2016
Batiste Heat & Shine Spray
There is nothing better in life than having super soft and silky hair that you can swish around and run your fingers through. Soft & swishy hair makes you feel like a supermodel and everyone deserves to feel like that.
I was lucky enough to win a box of Batiste goodies in a twitter competition ages ago (I'm a terrible blogger). I'm a massive lover of their dry shampoo so was excited to try them out. This Shield my locks Heat & Shine Spray has definitely worked its way up to my favourite though.
I was lucky enough to win a box of Batiste goodies in a twitter competition ages ago (I'm a terrible blogger). I'm a massive lover of their dry shampoo so was excited to try them out. This Shield my locks Heat & Shine Spray has definitely worked its way up to my favourite though.
5 June 2016
Book Review// Mirror Image by Michele Pariza Wacek
The blurb of this book intrigued me and it draws you in from the first chapter. It's a gritty psychological suspense, crime thriller. So if you love crime and suspense this may be one for you.
1 June 2016
Using Disabled People For Likes
It was recently brought to my attention that there was a page on facebook using a picture of me in my wheelchair to get likes (clearly I am that damn fabulous). The caption was along the lines of "Im in a wheelchair. Can I get a share on your timeline. If you do not ashamed of me" with some random emojis thrown in. It hurt my brain to read
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