27 August 2016

Cheerz Photo Box

I love taking photos and I love a good selfie with friends and family. However, I hate either having to go through the billions of snaps on my phone to show someone or faff about printing them off. That's how I discovered Cheerz. I've ordered from them before (post here) and had to make another order recently.

Cheerz Photo Box
This time I decided to order the Cheerz box which is £13. For this you get 30 adorable 10x8cm polaroids in a cute handy box. You can add a border colour to your pictures but I prefer white and you can also add text to the bottom of the pictures if you fancy.

 It's super simple. Choose the product you want and then you can upload pictures from your instagram, facebook, computer and phone. The hardest part for me was choosing which pictures to get. As you can see me and my brother are pretty damn vain. I also got some of my holiday to Barcelona, family holidays and my graduation. They look soo good. I love them.

I'm so tempted to get some of my fave blog photos printed off to go in the scrapbook I plan on starting but I dunno. I'll probably make another order soon anyway.

Now I have to actually get round to putting some up in my room.

You can also use the code BETMJ8 to get £4 off your order if you fancy making an order.
