1 August 2016

Egg Fried Rice

I am addicted to egg fried rice. It is hands down the best kind of rice. Who wants boring plain rice when you can have egg fried goodness? If I can't decide what to have for lunch, which is often, I either have a bowl of pasta or a bowl of egg fried rice. You can use it as a side or eat it on its own which I do quite a lot. Now I suck a recipe posts so brace yourself.

egg fried rice

Cooked Rice
Soy Sauce

You can add whatever you want
Spring Onion
the list is endless

egg fried rice

Cook your rice to your liking. I use my beloved microwave rice cooker (you can buy similar here). For one person I use 1 cup of rice, 1 and 1/2 cups of water and microwave for 11 mins. When that's done I then scramble 2 eggs in a wok with some fry lite. Chuck in whatever veg you want. I usually add a yellow pepper and some spring onions. Then add in your rice and mix it all together without chucking rice everywhere. I fail at this every time. Add soy sauce to taste (I think it's like 1-2 tbsp) and ta-da. Delicious rice. It is soo easy and so quick.

Chinese is always my weakness and with trying to eat better this has helped my cravings soo much. Definitely my fave way to eat rice. I also chuck in chicken or pork (cook the meat first then add it at the end) sometimes to mix it up a bit and it is soo good. Also goes great with sweet chilli sauce.

What is your favourite lunch?


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