31 March 2017

March 2017 Favourites

How is March over already? It's not been a great month for posting. I mean this year so far has been pretty shit for posting in general. My brother was in hospital for nearly 2 weeks this month and I swear I have literally only been in my house to sleep and sometimes not even for that as I've been sleeping at my parents house. I'm hoping to get organised in April and start posting more consistently. Fingers crossed.

March Favourites
24 March 2017

Teapot Warmer

As an avid tea drinker this may the best invention I have ever come across. I drink a lot of tea. Probably more than I should and definitely more now that I seem to have gone off coffee. However, getting up all the time to go to the kitchen to boil the kettle is just too much for my poor broken body sometimes.

glass teapot warmer
21 March 2017

Sleek Matte Me Lip Creams

I was kindly sent 3 of the Sleek Matte Me Lip Creams along with some other gorgeous pieces that I wrote about here. I am obsessed with liquid lipsticks and I don't think I will ever have too many. I just can't stop buying them. Liquid lipsticks are always the things I am drawn to first in shops

Sleek Matte Me Lip Creams review
17 March 2017

Sleek Makeup

I've never really tried much from Sleek before. I have obviously tried the Solstice Highlighter palette and rave about it in pretty much every favourites post. Not only did it make it to my 2016 faves roundup post but it also made it onto my Top 10 Holy Grail products post I did in colab with Sarah. After seeing how much I loved the solstice palette the lovely Niamh asked if I wanted to try some of their other products. She picked out some products she thought I would like and I swear it's like she can read minds. The products she picked are perfect.

Sleek Makeup review
15 March 2017

The Wolf Children by Cay Rademacher Review

When the press release for The Wolf Children* landed in my inbox I wasn't sure about it. It's pretty different from my usual read. However, I was drawn in and intrigued by the synopsis so I decided to give it a go and read something new and I am so glad I did. I was a bit worried I would find all the history too much but I really enjoyed it.

The Wolf Children by Cay Rademacher Review
7 March 2017

Drinkware from Typo

Life has been so busy recently that I've been massively slacking on the blog posts. It feels like I've covered the whole of England & Wales recently. Wheelchair basketball really does make you travel. 2 weeks ago I did 2 days of work so Monday I was in Aberaeron and Tuesday in Llanelli. Wednesday we went to Cardiff shopping, Thursday we had to take the car to Bristol to the garage, then Friday-Sunday we were in Nottingham. I got 3 days rest last week then Thursday we were in Coventry, Friday & Saturday in Nottingham again and then Sunday we were in Warwick. I feel like I've spent the last 2 weeks in a car. I crashed hard Monday and I'm trying to take it easy this week.

I thought I'd do a quick post today about the super handy and oh so pretty drinkware collection I seem to have gathered from one of my fave shops, Typo. I'm trying to drink more water and they've definitely come in handy over the past two weeks.

typo drinkware
1 March 2017

Books Read in Feb 2017

As I'm trying to read more I thought I'd do a round up post of books I've read in the month with some mini reviews as I never get round to writing up full reviews. This month has been so damn hectic that I didn't get to read anywhere near as many books as I wanted to but here's what I managed to read in Feb.

crime thriller book review