26 September 2017
Simple Accessories with Tobi
As mentioned in yesterdays post I was sent some accessories to style. Yesterdays outfit was nice and cosy and perfect for autumn. Todays outfit is clinging on to summer and pretending that I won't need tights all the time soon.
25 September 2017
Transitioning into Autumn with Tobi
Recently I was kindly sent a few accessories from tobi to style up some outfits. Safe to say I am feeling the autumnal vibes with this one. I mean I was definitely sweating as it happened to be super warm the day I decided to take these pictures but I'm definitely looking forward to wearing this outfit more in the colder months with a chunky scarf.
22 September 2017
Book Review// No Way Back by Kelly Florentia
This isn't the usual type of book I would reach for. I'm a crime thriller girl usually but when asked if I wanted to review this I thought I'd go for a change especially as I've been pretty bored with what I've read recently. No Way Back* is a tale of one woman's search for love - and failing that at least some honesty and support from those around her.
20 September 2017
Smashbox Liquid Lipsticks
These Smashbox liquid lipsticks are up there alongside Dose of Colors for my favourites. I just love everything about them plus they are cruelty free. So far I only have two colours but I will definitely be adding more to my collection. I just need to decide which shade to get next. Let me know if you have any recommendations
18 September 2017
Book Review // So The Doves by Heidi James
I'm going to admit, I totally judged this book by it's cover. When I saw it I wasn't expecting it to be my cup of tea. I was definitely wrong. I actually really enjoyed it. So lesson learnt. Never judge a book by its cover. So The Doves* by Heidi James is a murder mystery with the story switching between the present and 1989. As you may know these aren't normally my favourite to read as I can find them hard to keep up with. This however, is easy to follow and helps with the understanding of the characters and the plot. It's written beautifully.
15 September 2017
Posh Canvas
Even though I've been in my house for well over a year I am still trying to slowly put my mark on it. My walls are still all pretty bare and I've been meaning to get some decorative pieces. I was contacted by Posh Canvas and asked if I wanted to review one of theirs so obviously I said yes.
13 September 2017
Bourjois Rouge Velvet The Lipstick
If you haven't seen these babies on instagram I'm going to assume you don't follow a single beauty blogger. They are everywhere at the moment and for very good reason. I am a huge liquid lipstick lover and cannot remember the last time I wore an actual lipstick applied from the bullet but oh my god am I in love with these. These are the new offering by Bourjous - Rouge Velvet The Lipstick*
8 September 2017
Slabs Thick & Big Crisps
I'm a huge crisp fiend. I would choose a packet of crisps over chocolate any day. They are my biggest weakness. When I was contacted and asked if I wanted to try a crisp 4 times thicker than the average crisp I couldn't really say no.
4 September 2017
Chaffree Kinickerboxers
All my fellow thick thighed people will understand the curse of chaffing or chub rub. Cute summer outfits end with beautifully raw painful thighs and make me not want to wear dresses. You would think being in a wheelchair would mean I didn't have to worry about this anymore and while it is slightly better I do still get it. You may not know this and you may not want to know this but sitting in a wheelchair in the heat all day results in incredibly sweaty ass and thighs and I cannot sit still so I still get the beloved chaffing. Y'know that feeling when you sit on a plastic chair in the sun well imagine sitting like that all day. It's not great.

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