I actually have a favourites post this month and it's even a tad early. I'm still not really wearing makeup much and if I do it tends to just be eyeliner, mascara, highlighter and lipstick. I do have my favourite highlighter, lipsticks and eyeliner for you though. I will also have my all time favourite beauty products from the whole of 2017 for you soon. So here's what I've been loving this month
23 December 2017
15 December 2017
Vegan Tuck Box Dec 17
I cancelled my Vegan Tuck box subscription a couple of months ago because I was trying to cut down on my spending. A couple of weeks ago I saw a discount code on twitter so I thought I'd treat myself. There is nothing better than a box of food being delivered to your door every month. Here's what was inside the box of goodies this month.
14 December 2017
Adagio Festive Teas + Giveaway
So we all know by now how much I love tea. You can't beat a good cuppa. When I received an email from the lovely Danielle asking if I would like to review some festive teas from Adagio Teas I obviously said yes. I was expecting maybe a couple of different flavours. If you saw my Instagram story you would have seen the incredible and beyond generous package I was sent. This post doesn't even make a dent. I will have more posts coming up as I get around to trying the other flavours. I honestly still can't get over their generosity and I will definitely be well stocked on tea for a while. It actually made my week.
6 December 2017
What I've Watched Recently
I was going to do a November favourites post and then realised that I haven't worn enough makeup to have a favourite. My skincare has also just had a huge overhaul but I haven't been trying it long enough to have favourites yet. I don't really have any exciting monthly favourites this month so I thought I would write about what I've been watching recently instead. I don't seem to be at home very often at the moment but when I am I love nothing more than a good TV show binge.
30 November 2017
Native Super Crema Coffee Beans
Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge coffee addict. I am a raging bitch if I don't get a cup of the good stuff first thing in the morning. I inherited the need for coffee to flow through my veins from my dad. I used to hate hot drinks. The day I discovered coffee at uni was my dads proudest moment.
24 November 2017
Party Ready with Sleek & Scunci
Sleek are killing it at the moment. Their latest My Face, My Rules campaign was incredible. Their products are affordable without compromising on quality as well as having sleek packaging. I'm a huge fan of their highlighters and liquid lipsticks. I was kindly sent some of their latest range to help slay this party season
17 November 2017
Bio Essence 24K Gold
You've probably seen this brand on instagram a few times. Bio Essence 24k Gold has recently started being sold in Superdrug and I've kindly been sent a few pieces to try. The range is infused with flakes of 24k gold which is apparently a super antioxidant. It claims to effectively block free radicals to help skin defy signs of ageing. It does this by promoting blood and oxygen circulation to improve the skins metabolism. The 24K gold range also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin which helps keep skin firm and youthful. The range was designed to help combat dry & dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles.
8 November 2017
VonShef Electric Milk Frother And Warmer
This may be the best thing I have purchased this year. I have never been so excited for an email from Tesco to tell me my order was ready to pick up. As we all know I love coffee. Pretty much any type of coffee (except that cheap nasty shit). However, I am a huuuge latte fan. Since having to give up dairy I was struggling to get my latte fix. Starbucks and Pret do delicious coconut milk lattes but I only have costas near me and they only stock soya milk. I hate soya milk. I even looked at getting one of those pod coffee machines but most of the tasty pods to go in them are milk based and contain a lot of sugar.
3 November 2017
Lush Spa Cardiff Winter Event
Last week I attended my first ever Lush event and I enjoyed every second of it. I don't think I have ever been to an event that smelled that damn good. Not many places smell as good as a Lush store.
I wandered around the store with fellow bloggers Holly and Lottie whilst our guides Amber & Ellie showed us all the Halloween/Christmas products. They also explained the new concept of naked packaging which has been introduced this year. In an effort to cut down on plastic waste you can now purchase naked versions of most of the products. Shower gel, lip scrubs, body conditioner (which I will definitively be picking up soon as it feels amazing on the skin). We were also shown around the amazing spa and oh my god it is incredible. It's so peaceful and relaxing as well as being fully accessible. I feel like I need to book a treatment asap.
I thoroughly enjoyed the event and obviously treated myself to some products so thought I'd show you what I got. First things first they generously gave us 3 full size products wrapped in adorable knot wraps as our goodie bags.
1 November 2017
Off The Eaten Path Vegetable Crisps
If I ever turn down the chance to try some new snacks just know that I am probably dying. Anyone who knows me knows I love crisps. Can't beat a packet of crisps. I also crave salty foods due to my crappy body so you know its a medical need.
26 October 2017
October 2017 Favourites
No your eyes are not deceiving you. I actually have a new post up. My favourites this month are a bit of a mash up with only a couple of beauty bits. I've been pretty lazy this month when it comes to makeup. I've even pretty much given up on foundation because I just can't find one that works with my dry skin. Let me know if you have any cruelty free foundation recommendations for dry skin. Preferably medium to full coverage.
19 October 2017
Reducing Waste
After seeing the horrendous affect the huge amounts of plastic we throw away every day is having on our oceans and planet I decided to try and make an effort to reduce my waste. Things like cotton pads, straws, water bottles and take away cups made up a huge percentage of what I was throwing away daily. Here are some things you can try to cut down on your waste.
10 October 2017
September 2017 Favourites
As usual my monthly favourites is a little bit late. At the start of every month I promise myself that this is the month I am going to get my shit together and post on a proper schedule and then it all goes wrong. I think it's time to face that I will never have a blog schedule. Anyway here is what I've been loving recently.
2 October 2017
Nip & Fab Dragons Blood Range
These two products have completely saved my skin. I know you are all probably fed up of how much I moan about my dry skin but it's a real problem. I legit look like I have scales after wearing makeup all day. If you have dry skin then you need to try the Nip & Fab Dragons Blood Range.
26 September 2017
Simple Accessories with Tobi
As mentioned in yesterdays post I was sent some accessories to style. Yesterdays outfit was nice and cosy and perfect for autumn. Todays outfit is clinging on to summer and pretending that I won't need tights all the time soon.
25 September 2017
Transitioning into Autumn with Tobi
Recently I was kindly sent a few accessories from tobi to style up some outfits. Safe to say I am feeling the autumnal vibes with this one. I mean I was definitely sweating as it happened to be super warm the day I decided to take these pictures but I'm definitely looking forward to wearing this outfit more in the colder months with a chunky scarf.
22 September 2017
Book Review// No Way Back by Kelly Florentia
This isn't the usual type of book I would reach for. I'm a crime thriller girl usually but when asked if I wanted to review this I thought I'd go for a change especially as I've been pretty bored with what I've read recently. No Way Back* is a tale of one woman's search for love - and failing that at least some honesty and support from those around her.
20 September 2017
Smashbox Liquid Lipsticks
These Smashbox liquid lipsticks are up there alongside Dose of Colors for my favourites. I just love everything about them plus they are cruelty free. So far I only have two colours but I will definitely be adding more to my collection. I just need to decide which shade to get next. Let me know if you have any recommendations
18 September 2017
Book Review // So The Doves by Heidi James
I'm going to admit, I totally judged this book by it's cover. When I saw it I wasn't expecting it to be my cup of tea. I was definitely wrong. I actually really enjoyed it. So lesson learnt. Never judge a book by its cover. So The Doves* by Heidi James is a murder mystery with the story switching between the present and 1989. As you may know these aren't normally my favourite to read as I can find them hard to keep up with. This however, is easy to follow and helps with the understanding of the characters and the plot. It's written beautifully.
15 September 2017
Posh Canvas
Even though I've been in my house for well over a year I am still trying to slowly put my mark on it. My walls are still all pretty bare and I've been meaning to get some decorative pieces. I was contacted by Posh Canvas and asked if I wanted to review one of theirs so obviously I said yes.
13 September 2017
Bourjois Rouge Velvet The Lipstick
If you haven't seen these babies on instagram I'm going to assume you don't follow a single beauty blogger. They are everywhere at the moment and for very good reason. I am a huge liquid lipstick lover and cannot remember the last time I wore an actual lipstick applied from the bullet but oh my god am I in love with these. These are the new offering by Bourjous - Rouge Velvet The Lipstick*
8 September 2017
Slabs Thick & Big Crisps
I'm a huge crisp fiend. I would choose a packet of crisps over chocolate any day. They are my biggest weakness. When I was contacted and asked if I wanted to try a crisp 4 times thicker than the average crisp I couldn't really say no.
4 September 2017
Chaffree Kinickerboxers
All my fellow thick thighed people will understand the curse of chaffing or chub rub. Cute summer outfits end with beautifully raw painful thighs and make me not want to wear dresses. You would think being in a wheelchair would mean I didn't have to worry about this anymore and while it is slightly better I do still get it. You may not know this and you may not want to know this but sitting in a wheelchair in the heat all day results in incredibly sweaty ass and thighs and I cannot sit still so I still get the beloved chaffing. Y'know that feeling when you sit on a plastic chair in the sun well imagine sitting like that all day. It's not great.

16 August 2017
Vegan Tuck Box August 2017
My favourite time of the month is Vegan Tuck Box time. Is there anything better than getting a box full of delicious food delivered to your door. The charity that this months box supports is the Fields of Freedom Sanctuary in Denmark and the recipe is for a Barbecue Pulled Jackfruit Sandwich which looks delicious. So here's what I got in this months box.
12 August 2017
July 2017 Beauty Favourites
This post is definitely a lot later than planned but my back has been pretty angry so I haven't been able to take any photos. It's been written for ages. I finally got some today so here are my beauty favourites from July. I didn't really wear much makeup but when I did I have been loving either a nude or super bright red lip. Y'know two pretty similar shades haha. Also my Non-beauty faves went live last week so be sure to check them out.
4 August 2017
Lacura Skincare
If you've been into Aldi recently you may have seen this Lacura skincare range. My mum kindly treated me to the range and I've been testing it out. I would never normally pick up skincare from Aldi especially as I don't go in very often. I seem to get angry old people ramming me with their trolleys or I can't get down aisles so I tend to avoid it. However I am very impressed with this range and it's such a good price.
3 August 2017
Fundraising For Kit
As you guys may know I play wheelchair basketball. Worcester Wolves kindly took me under their wing when I was lacking a team and they are now family. I mean definitely an extremely weird and slightly dysfunctional one but still family. I play both National and Women's league with them but our women's league team need your help.

2 August 2017
Non Beauty July 2017 Favourites
I don't really know what happened to July but it has flown by. I haven't really worn much makeup so my beauty faves (coming soon) is lacking a bit so I thought I would do a non beauty favourites too. Basically features all the cute homeware and coffee. Pretty much all I need in life. I massively angered my back trying to get photos but I am determined to post more regularly this month. So here's what I've been loving.
28 July 2017
Adopt A Mermaid
So I was sent my very own mermaid in the post this week. I don't think I will ever get anything that matches my blog name more perfectly than this. An actual mermaid. The lovely people that sent me my own mermaid is Mermaid Adoptions. I was kindly sent Alexa* and I love her. Look at her gorgeous Turquoise hair (which also happens to be one of my favourite colours). She's so adorable and is currently sat on my desk supervising me making sure I actually write this post.
17 July 2017
Chronic Illness Beauty Essentials
The other day when I was feeling extra crappy I was thinking about how much I loved certain products and how much easier they make my life. I thought I'd share my fave beauty products that are essential for me. There's hair products, the best moisturiser for crappy hands, miracle grow for nails and the only thing that has ever stopped me sweating like a pig. Quite a collection.
13 July 2017
Vegan Tuck Box// July 2017
After seeing the Vegan Tuck Box on The Little Blog of Vegans Instagram last month I was desperate to try it. If you aren't following her on Instagram why not? Her feed is gorgeous. You should also follow her blog for all the delicious recipes. Anyway back to the box, you get so many products for £20 when you factor in postage. I chose the ultimate box which gives you a selection of 10-13 products but you can also get a cheaper variety box of 5-8 products.
I'm trying to eat more vegan foods because 1) Saving animals and the planet and 2) my body absolutely hates dairy and it makes my skin break out in super painful acne and makes my stomach super angry. For now I'm taking small steps but it's better than no steps so send any vegan recommendations my way. I am obsessed with dairy free milks though which makes it easier as I would not survive without a decent tea (oat milk is bae) & coffee (coconut milk is life). Now onto what I got this month.
10 July 2017
Hair Care for Frizz Free Hair
My hair has been an actual state recently. It normally borders on greasy but all the sun, hair dye and poor treatment of it might finally be catching up with me as it's gone a bit dry. I think my medication is also drying out my whole body though as my skin, face and mouth are also constantly dry. When I was asked if I wanted to try the John Frieda Frizz Ease range* I thought it might sort out the nest that is my hair. After giving it a go for a few weeks I thought I'd share with you my favourite hair stuff for super soft swishy frizz free princess hair.
7 July 2017
Read in June 2017
I swear it's taken me forever to write up this post. It's been really difficult to form sentences that actually make sense haha. Here's hoping that I've proof read it enough that you can actually understand it. So we spent a week in Devon towards the end of June where I managed to read 3 books. It was bliss and meant my total for the month came to 4. Not too shabby.
3 July 2017
June 2017 Favourites
June is over and done and tbh I'm freaking out a lil bit. Summer is my favourite time and now I keep hearing people saying it's nearly autumn and I'm not ready to be cold. I haven't had enough sun. I looved the heatwave we had even if I did have to travel home in my bra because the back of my top was soo sweaty from being in my wheelchair. I was made for the summer.
Anyway moving on. It's a tad late but here is what I was loving in June apart from the Sun
Anyway moving on. It's a tad late but here is what I was loving in June apart from the Sun
30 June 2017
Tarte Bundle First Impressions
When I got an email from Tarte with their latest bargain and free shipping to the UK I just couldn't resist. The offer was 6 full size products plus a makeup bag all for £60. I think I also had to pay £10ish taxes but that just meant I wouldn't be hit with the dreaded customs charge. I only ever buy from the Tarte website when they have free UK shipping because then the tax charge just feels like shipping costs.
So here's what I picked.
So here's what I picked.
14 June 2017
Bluebird Tea Co
I can't even remember how I came across Bluebird Tea Co anymore but I am so glad I did. I spent ages on their website drooling over all the different flavours before taking the plunge and making an order. I went for the Pick n Mix 10 Tea Experience Pack as there were so many flavours I wanted to try. You get to pick the flavours of your ten 20g packs (up to 10 cups of tea per 20g). It was so difficult narrowing it down to 10 flavours and I definitely will be making another order.
7 June 2017
Clinique Skincare And Why It's Not For Me
I was talked into visiting the clinique counter when I had my makeup done by smashbox in boots a while ago. The lady on the counter was so lovely and had a look at my skin to recommend some products for me. She couldn't get over how dry my skin was and recommended the 3 step programme.
5 June 2017
Renunail Nail Strenghthener
My nails are forever a state. My mum and Nan have always had such beautiful, long and strong nails. I will always resent the fact that I didn't inherit them. I got lumbered with a genetic condition and hairy arms. My nails are the complete opposite to my mums, short, stubby, weak, flaky and just sad looking. If they get remotely long they just bend, flake continuously and then I pick the flakes and make everything worse. I normally have them painted (black like my soul) so that I don't pick the flakes. When an email about Renunail* landed in my inbox I was sceptical and intrigued. I've tried a few nail strengtheners and it's just made my flakes stronger but anything is worth a shot.
2 June 2017
Read in May 2017
I only manged to read two books this month and I am so sad about my poor attempt. This month does seem to have flown by though. I can't even think of what I have spent my time doing but reading was clearly not one of them
31 May 2017
May 2017 Favourites
It's favourites time again. This month has been pretty good. I mean I celebrated my birthday with peanut butter cookies and cake so it kinda had to be a good month. We've had some amazing weather and I am always happier when it's warm. I'm such a sun worshipper lets just ignore the fact that the sun betrayed me and fried me to a crisp. I'm peeling so bad it's ridiculous. Now onto my favourites.
19 May 2017
Favourite Eye Makeup
17 May 2017
24 Things I've Learnt in 24 Years
So once again I have fallen off of my blogging schedule. This post was supposed to go live on my birthday, which was last Wednesday, but I spent the day eating cake instead of finishing it. Cake is definitely more important though. Anyway I reached the grand old age of 24 last week so I thought I'd share with you some things I picked up along the way.
12 May 2017
You Beauty Box May 2017
I keep thinking about cancelling this box and then there's normally at least one thing I really want to try. This month it was the Cetaphil cleanser and the 10balm smoothing cream and the fact that they were both full size made me keep my subscription.
8 May 2017
Nouveau Lashes Lash & Lid Foaming Cleanser
May is always a good month. It's my brithday month (because who even has just one day) and it's nearly summer, my fave season. To make it even better this year Nouveau Lashes have a new product release. The Lash & Lid Foaming Cleanser* has been released today and it's a good one.
3 May 2017
Read in April 2017
So I managed to read 4 books last month. Not bad considering I don't seem to have stopped. As usual they are all crime thrillers as I rarely read anything else. Let me know your faves so I can add to my to read pile.
2 May 2017
April 2017 Favourites
My April favourites only actually have one makeup product. What is this madness? My skin has been horrendous so I haven't really worn makeup. I have however fallen in love with some new nail polishes which make my icy glittery heart happy. April may have flown by but May is officially my birthday month (10th May if you wanna know) so that's exciting and also makes me feel old.
27 April 2017
Super Simple Spring Makeup Look
So once again I have been crap at posting regularly. I would promise that I'll get my shit together but lets be honest it hasn't happened so far. Anyway I thought I would do a post about my fave makeup for spring. It was supposed to have a picture of the finished look on my face buuut that hasn't happened. I've barely been at home, my skin is an absolute state, my hair needs washing and I'm too tired and sore to do the makeup look now. Plus my hands are so bad at the moment I am dropping everything so putting a mascara wand near my eye probably isn't the safest. Soo here's the makeup that I am loving for spring. It's super simple and I love it. Just imagine how fabulous my face looks with this on.
19 April 2017
Mintoshi Raspberry & Vanilla Candle
I am obsessed with candles. I mean what blogger isn't? I'm constantly burning them much to my dads dismay (I get lectured on fire safety weekly). I just want my house to smell beautiful. I was kindly sent a Minotshi Candle and it was love at first whiff. As I opened the package I was greeted by the most delicious scent.
17 April 2017
April 2017 You Beauty Box
Another month another You Beauty Box. I haven't had one for a couple of months (check out the last box here) because I wasn't really feeling the choices. I make sure I check every month though so if anything takes my fancy I can sign back up which is super easy.
3 April 2017
Read in March 2017
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