As well as my October Favourites Post being late, my What I read post is also late as usual. I read 2 others alongside these but I haven't got around to writing up the reviews for them yet so you may get them at a later date. If not I'll probably post a brief review over on my Book Instagram.

This book was not for me which is a shame.
Jack is stuck in a loveless marriage with a job he hates and is just trying to stay sober for his son. An old friend introduces him to an extramarital dating site and one night he checks it out. When he goes to meet up for a date his life quickly goes downhill. He has to fight to prove his innocence and risks losing everything. He longs to go back in time to the life he once hated.
I struggled with pretty much all of it. I found Jack a really annoying character. He was just super moany and I could not connect with him. I found the lead detective guy super unrealistic as well. His attitudes just switched halfway through and he became a completely different guy.
I also found the book pretty long-winded and I found myself switching off and skim reading. I just wanted it to end so I could find out what happened and get on with my life. Unfortunately, I saw the supposed “twist” coming a mile off.

Don’t You Cry by Cass Green*
A waitress aptly named Angel saves Ninas life as she chokes on a blind date. Hours later Angel turns up at Ninas house with a gun. Angels brother, Lucas, soon turns up covered in blood clutching a stolen baby. Nina is in for an extremely long, stressful night.
This is the first book I have read by Cass Green and I will definitely be checking out more of her work.
It took me a while to get into Don’t You Cry as the first few chapters are a bit slow. However, it soon gets going and I couldn’t put it down. There is a bit in the middle where it slows again but it picks up again for a dramatic ending. It’s told from the POVs of Nina, Angel & Lucas which really added to the story and helps you get to know the siblings and what they are going through. You also feel every stress along with Nina.
I felt this was more of a suspense than a psychological thriller but it is a great suspense story. It kept me guessing throughout the whole book as to how it would end. My feeling towards Angel & Lucas were constantly switching.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Forget My Name by J.S Monroe *
A woman arrives at Tony and Laura's house claiming to have no memory of who she is. The only thing she is sure of is that she lived in their house. They take her in and try to get to the bottom of who she is but when Laura starts digging she doesn’t like what she finds.
I read this in 2 sittings because I was so desperate to get answers. I spent the whole book not really knowing who to believe. Some parts were a tad confusing but as a whole, it is a great psychological thriller that kept me hooked. There were some great characters and it was so well written that I could feel the fear and confusion of not knowing who you are.
What have you been reading?
* I was sent these books by NetGalley & The Publishers in exchange for an honest review, however, it does not affect my views and the opinions expressed in this post are independent and my own
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