11 October 2019

Read in September 2019 Part 1

I am so happy with how much I have managed to read this year. I'm on track to smash my Goodreads goal. How are you guys getting on with your reading goals? Did you set any? I didn't even realise I had read 7 books this month. We have a mix of YA and Non-fiction as well as my usual crime thrillers this month. I've really been enjoying reading more non-fiction this year. You can check out Part 2 here

- Post contains books sent for review via NetGalley and Affiliate links

No Big Deal by Bethany Rutter*

Kindle fire shows the cover of No big deal next to a pink chunky knit blanket, leaves and roses. The cover has no big deal written in big red letters on a pink background with a fat girl in place of the I.
Emily is a stylish 17 year old going into her last year of high school. She’s clever, cute and fat and she loves herself and her body. When Emily gets the crush of her life she soon starts questioning herself and falling into the trap of wanting to change everything about herself.

I don’t normally read YA but I absolutely adored this book. It’s cute and funny whilst getting across an important message. I honestly wish this book had been around when I was a teen. Every young person who feels the need to change themselves and who they are needs to read this.

Emily is such a great character. She’s funny and strong and I just want to be her mate. She knows it’s not her body that’s the issue but other peoples opinions. This book covers body positivity, childhood crushes, friendships, preparing for uni, complicated mother-daughter relationships and more. Definitely recommend.


Kindle fire shows the cover of Date Night next to a pink chunky knit blanket, leaves and roses. The cover of Date Night is yellow with red hair spread across the top and the title written in black

Libby and Sean return from a date night to find their babysitter, Sasha, missing. A few days later Libby is arrested for Sasha’s murder.

I wasn’t a massive fan of this book. I hated pretty much all of the characters and we didn’t get to know Sasha enough to make her going missing have much of an effect. Libby was also just plain annoying which made it really hard to feel for her and care about her innocence.

The book switches between past and present so we get to learn more about what happened in the build-up. However, it did get a bit confusing in places. It wasn’t a bad book, just a bit boring. It then went massively downhill at the end. There hadn’t been a single hint about the supposed twist and it all just seemed a bit ridiculous.


Kindle fire shows the cover of the other f word next to a pink chunky knit blanket, leaves and roses. The cover is blue with the title written in yellow and purple. There are 2 illustrated people dancing on the edges

A collection of art, poetry and prose celebrating fat acceptance. The Other F Word is a book full of fat people telling their own stories. It’s a guide about body image and fat acceptance and is a helpful tool for navigating our world with confidence and courage.

I really liked this book. I think it would be perfect for teen readers and is a great place for fat-friendly resources and for finding new people to follow. The book is beautifully diverse and I loved the fact that even disabled voices were included. There were a couple of essays that were a bit long-winded or repetitive and just fell flat for me but on the whole, I was inspired and moved. I highly recommend checking this book out, especially if you are just starting out your body positivity/fat acceptance/self-love journey. It makes you realise that you are not alone and there are so many more important things about you than your size. 

#1 Detective Iris Locke 

Kindle fire shows the cover of Silent night next to a pink chunky knit blanket, leaves and roses. The cover shows the back of a woman walking towards an isolated cottage

A baby is snatched from her pram and is never seen again. 30 years later her sister and her kids are murdered in their sleep. Are they linked or is it just a sad coincidence? Iris is assigned the case and is desperate to prove herself after the failure of a year-long undercover mission. She also needs to prove to the team that she is there on merit and not because of her ex-cop father. When she discovers that her dad lead the missing baby case she realises she might have to step on some toes to get to the bottom of both cases.

I wasn’t too keen on the first half of this book. It was a bit slow going and it just didn’t keep me engaged. However, the ending definitely made up for it. I had no idea what was coming. Looking back there were hints but nothing obvious enough to ruin the reveal and boy was it a reveal. I also wasn’t sure about the main characters, especially Iris and Slattery, at the start but after getting to know them better and reading more of their personal lives they definitely grew on me.

I am excited to have a new series to add to my collection and I look forward to any future Iris Locke books. I will definitely be picking them up. I need more of them in my life.


* This book was gifted via NetGalley by the publisher in exchange for an honest review, however, it does not affect my views and the opinions expressed in this post are independent and my own

** This post contains affiliate links. These do not cost you anything but if you buy something from the link I will get a few pennies