Well, this is extremely late. More than usual. Will I ever get a post up on time? I highly doubt it. However, part of it isn’t my fault. I moved house over Christmas (terrible idea, don’t ever do it) and I still don’t have wifi. The geniuses that re-plastered after the previous tenants fire decided to just plaster over the phone line so now I have no way of getting internet until that is sorted and OpenReach are shit at their job. I’m currently trying to survive off my phone data and am now at my parents to steal their wifi to finally get some posts scheduled.
I know these posts can make people feel a bit shitty about what they haven’t achieved, me included. However, I need to write this. I love to look back on things I did over the year, no matter how small. It makes me realise that I did more than I thought and it reminds me of the good things that did happen amongst the huge amounts of pain and many flares with copious naps and not leaving the house for days on end.